Tuesday, November 07, 2006

8:51 and All's as Well as Can Be Expected

I bought the wrong kind of flour. This is a terrible faux pas for a self-styled pie expert (putting the "I" in PIE!). I've gone ahead and made it anyway (it entered the oven at 8:48, I used the ensuing three minutes to double check the cooking time - 45 minutes - and make sure my ipod cable was free of telltale toothmarks - it was, in fact, the ipod is charged and I can get back to rendering myself prematurely hard-of-hearing tomorrow).

My eye in Okmulgee spotted my opening post and supplied a handy link for following the election returns: http://www.swingstateproject.com/frontPage.do. This is good, because the BBC has reverted to its usual programming and I've been listening to the Persian poets of Manchester (Birmingham? Damn, neither, actually, the city where they had the race riots five years ago. I'm clearly not at the top of my monitoring form tonight. I think it's the multitasking, I still have to clean the kitchen and the fridge defrosting is not exactly proceeding apace, although I believe I've discovered one of those frozen corpses left over from the Franklin Expedition

More to follow...

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