Thursday, January 26, 2006

Canadian Politcs Explained

Ohmygod! I like, TOTALLY forgot to tell you about how the Canadian elections turned out, didn't I? And that is SO crazy because, dudes, HAMAS WON!!!

Yeah, I know, I didn't know they were fielding candidates either!

I'm not sure WHAT this will mean for the Middle East Peace process. I mean, Canadians are supposed to be good peacekeepers, so it could work and all. Maybe the Palestinians could have New Brunswick for their homeland. I wouldn't mind.

I'm kind of afraid it will make relations with the US a little sticky, but hey, it can't always be the Canadian Prime Minister and his US counterpart singing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" can it? And really, who'd want it to be? That song makes me want to PUKE (and watch it freeze).

EVERYONE was all "Canadians are ready for a change" and I guess it was true, so we shouldn't be acting surprised.

I just hope they don't try and like, make Shania Twain wear one of those bed sheets while she sings -- or like, put them on all the girls in the Cirque de Soleil, because that would TOTALLY suck. Posted by Picasa

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