Thursday, December 29, 2005

Your Roving Correspondent

Season's greetings! I've come through the holidays in one piece, although that's a completely premature announcement given that New Year's Eve still lies ahead. Nevertheless, I survived Christmas and since Christmas at my home was marked by the invention of a new shot, "The Cup of Sorrow," this was no small achievement. (I'd post the recipe, but I don't actually remember it, nor, since drinking what amounted to a bucket of sorrow, do I remember much of the period between June and September 2005, but hey, I have lots of other years I still do remember, so no worries.)

I'm blogging from the Globe. Pretentious? You bet your beret, but that's my New Year's resolution: become more pretentious! I think this resolution will be easier to keep than last year's -- "Become inscrutable." I discovered you cannot be truly inscrutable if you talk as much as I do.

If you want me, I'll be sitting in the corner, reading "The Idiot" in the original Russian and listening to acid jazz on a turntable I've brought with me expressly for this purpose.

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