Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Home Is Where the Giant Fiddle Is

People ask me, "Mary, what is it you like best about your home town?" and I always take a moment to respond (but not too long, people tend to lose interest pretty quickly) because there are so many things I like about my home town.

Is it the Boutique Caliope? A gift shop in the "new" (opened in 1974) mall that pronounces its own name wrong? (So that "caliope" rhymes with "antelope.")

Is it steak darts?

Is it going to see the Rod Stewart tribute band at Smooth Herman's cabaret on "ladies'" night then coming out and getting a big greasy helping of Fuzzy's Fries from a chip wagon that started life as a milk truck?

It has, at various times over the years, been all of these things, but not anymore. As of last year, this became my favorite thing about my home town:

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