Monday, November 14, 2005

Monday, Monday

I'm operating in a slight margarita haze this morning (insert Jimmy Buffet joke here) but I believe my resignation has been accepted. Sort of. This was the response I received:

Dear Mary,
I would like to thank you for your good work for [my company, call it The People's News Agency].
I respect your decision to quit, however I would like to stress that if you change your mind during the last period of your contract you will be free to come back.
Best regards,
(Name withheld to protect my ass)

I'm going to drink about eight more bottles of Mattoni (on the company tab) and read that again...

1 comment:

maire said...

especially stepan, who hides the port so he can drink it on what he insists on calling the "terrace" but which is actually the ledge outside our office window.

excuse me, i have to go talk him down again...