Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Canadian Dipstick

I owe thanks for this item to my eye in Okmulgee*, who follows Canadian news so I don't have to.

(That's my new Canadian symbol to the left. I was wearing out the flag.)

Our story begins last year, when Belinda Stronach, a star Conservative politician, joined the Liberals, provoking some interesting comments from her erstwhile fellow party members.

"She was called a whore, she was called a prostitute, she was called a dipstick. I mean these are inappropriate. No man would be called that," said Manitoba MP Anita Neville.

Okay, first of all, I think MANY men, especially in Canadian politics, would be called "dipsticks." (I actually scrawled it on my last absentee ballot next to the name of the Conservative candidate.)

Still, a whore, a prostitute AND a dipstick does smack of sexism.

Now, however, the Conservatives have a chance to make it up to Belinda. They (as you may know from reading this space) were just elected and this week announced their Cabinet. It includes - wait for it - a LIBERAL who crossed the floor to join them.

If they will make a point of referring to him (even just once) as a whore, a prostitute and a dipstick, I'll be satisfied. And maybe Belinda will too.

*I mispelled this in the original post, but I've fixed it. And I wrote the correct spelling out 150 times. On my wall. In spray paint.
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1 comment:

maire said...

at least i spelled "eye" right.