Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Merm

Some weeks ago, I stole a friend's best-of music list for 2005 (cheeky, I know, but I LIKE that about me).

This week, that friend, The Merm (pictured at right in an earlier incarnation, Man in Kimono) heard I had a blog, requested the address, and will be discovering any minute now (what time is it in Toronto?) that I helped myself to his critical appraisal of the 2005 music scene. (It's not like I COULDN'T have done my own. I listened to some music that came out in 2005, like that ring tone song and stuff I heard on Top of the Pops while I was waiting for Every Woman, I just thought his sounded hipper.)

So, Merm, if you're reading this, thanks ever so for the loan of the best-of list, I'm done with it now and will return it ASAP. Posted by Picasa

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