Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I've had a chip on my shoulder about Poles since we got taken over by one, but I'm going to make an exception for light poles.

Especially Baltimore light poles.

Apparently, they're being stolen in broad daylight.

This may surprise some of you, but not me. I have a friend from Baltimore (which he insists on pronouncing as "Bal'mer") and I know a bit about that town.

I told him once that Cape Breton Island (my place of birth) had finished second in a National Geographic poll of the world's top tourist destinations -- beaten out only by the Norwegian fjords.

He told me he knew some guys in Baltimore who could "make the fjords disappear."

Obviously, the light pole exercise is a preparation for the great fjord heist. Consider what the spokesman for the city's transport department had to say:

"Apparently, the culprits know what they're doing because we're talking about 30-foot poles here. It's not like you can stick one in a grocery cart and get rolling."


The old grocery cart routine is not going to work for the fjords either, so they've had to step it up a notch.

I, for one, will be awaiting their next move with some fascination.


Tokyo Sexwale said...

here are some other poles you should cut some slack for:

1. zbigniew brzezinski
2. jan amos komensky
3. pope john paul II
4. mariusz czerkawski (the only pole in the NHL)
5. mariusz pudzianowksi (two-time world's strongest man)
6. barney miller's right-hand man, wojohowicz (as played by the great max gale)
7. condoleeza rice

maire said...

i always thought condi was estonian

maire said...

yes, i figured the traffic cones could come into play on the fjord heist.