Friday, February 17, 2006

Sympathy for the Dick

I'm really getting tired of all these holier-than-thou leftwing attacks on Dick Cheney. Just because the guy is the Prince of Fucking Darkness doesn't mean he's all wrong, all the time.

I'm calling for a little soul-searching on this one -- aren't we being a tad hypocritical? Hasn't everyone, at one time or another, shot an elderly friend in the face while hunting quail? I know I have. More than once, if truth be told. And I can see by the way you're all staring at your toes and avoiding direct eye contact that you have too.

And what's more (and this is the sort of hard truth no one ever likes to face in these situations) some of those old people deserved it.


And I know what you're going to say, "But Dick is an old person." But that's where you're wrong -- Dick is young where it counts, at pacemaker.

1 comment:

maire said...

and i STILL feel bad about that, stepan, although it's been downgraded to the third worst day in my life, after the medal loss and the day they showed the last ever episode of 'friends.'